■ Using a blanket

  • Prepare a tube of about 2 meters.

  • Prepare a blanket, place the tube on the blanket at about the mark of 1/3. Fold the blanket so that the tube is on the end.

  • Place the other tube on the folded blanket and fold the other side of the blanket toward the tube placed first.

■ For the victim on a bedspread or blanket.

  • Wrap the victim from one of the edges of the blanket or bedspread.

  • When moving the victim always use four people: a person on the side of the head, one on each side and one at the feet.

■ Prepare 2 tubes of about 2 meters.

  • Get 5 short-sleeved shirts.

  • Slide the tube through the sleeve, passing the tube ends through to the bottom.

  • Use 5 or 6 long-sleeved shirts, passing the tube ends through the sleeves and the stretcher is ready.